Joint Seminar agenda
DIPC, CFM and CIC nanoGUNE offer a rich joint Seminar agenda.
PhD Thesis Defense | Alfredo Serrano Jiménez
Alfredo Serrano Jiménez | CFM
10:30 | CFM Auditorium
CFM Seminars
Exploiting and Controlling Symmetry for Infrared Nanophotonics and Ultrafast Thermal Transport
Joshua Caldwell | Vanderbilt University | Rainer Hillenbrand
11:00 | CIC nanoGUNE Seminar room, Tolosa Hiribidea 76, Donostia-San Sebastian
CIC nanoGUNE Seminars
Nonlinear optical imaging with mid-infrared light
Eric Potma | University of California | Rainer Hillenbrand
11:00 | CIC nanoGUNE Seminar room, Tolosa Hiribidea 76, Donostia-San Sebastian
CIC nanoGUNE Seminars
Quantum computing with silicon technology
Miguel Fernando Gonzalez Zalba | CIC nanoGUNE | Geza Giedke
12:00 | DIPC Josebe Olarra Seminar Room
Online DIPC Seminars
How Quantum Mechanics turned out not to be a Theory of Everything (1925-1932)
Alexander Blum | Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy / MPI for the History of Science | Jaume Navarro
15:00 | DIPC Josebe Olarra Seminar Room
DIPC Seminars
PhD thesis defense: Models of Radiolysis in Liquid Reactors for Transmission Electron Microscopy
Giuseppe De Salvo | CIC nanoGUNE | Andrey Chuvilin & Stefan Merkens
11:00 | CFM Auditorium
CIC nanoGUNE Seminars
Introduction to Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) Computing
Nicolas Lorente | CFM
15:00 | CFM Auditorium
CFM Seminars
Fractional topological insulators in twisted MoTe2
Glenn Wagner | ETH Zürich | Fernando de Juan
12:00 | DIPC Seminar Room
DIPC Seminars