PhD thesis defense: Controlling Area-Selective Growth Mechanisms of Nickel-based Nanostructures Through ALD and Surface pre-Patterning

CIC nanoGUNE Seminars

Gabriele Botta
Pre-Doctoral Researcher at CIC nanoGUNE
CFM Auditorium
Mato Knez
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PhD thesis defense: Controlling Area-Selective Growth Mechanisms of Nickel-based Nanostructures Through ALD and Surface pre-Patterning

The progress observed in the field of nanoscience is a result of the continuous refinement of the tools we use to manipulate matter into small objects. In this context, the most widely used methodology is lithography. This technique has allowed us to achieve increasingly ambitious goals, but it is beginning to show some limitations when working with increasingly complex, fragile, and sensitive structures. The approach to nanofabrication is shifting towards the use of complementary technologies that enable us to overcome these limits by offering simple solutions to complex problems. This thesis focuses on one of these alternative approaches based on the use of a methodology called Area-Selective Atomic Layer Deposition (AS-ALD). Unlike conventional lithography, which relies on a physical mask (resist) to guide material growth and achieve patterns, this technique exploits "selective" chemical reactions. Through precise control of the surface chemistry and deposited materials, AS-ALD enables targeted material growth on specific areas of the surface only, eliminating the need for a resist. Given the recent nature of this research field, this study will cover different areas such as the engineering of the experimental setup to the chemistry of these systems. See you there!