PhD Thesis Defense: Orchestrated Mass Transport for quantitative Liquid-Phase Transmission Electron Microscopy

CIC nanoGUNE Seminars

Stefan Merkens
Pre-doctoral researcher, electron-microscopy
CFM Seminar Room
Andrey Chuvilin, Marek Grzelczak
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PhD Thesis Defense: Orchestrated Mass Transport for quantitative Liquid-Phase Transmission Electron Microscopy

This doctoral thesis was realized at the frontier between liquid-phase transmission electron  microscopy (LP-TEM) and microfluidics. It contributes to the elevation of LP-TEM to a quantitative experimental technique for the study of nanoscale dynamics in liquid environments by applying concepts established in microfluidics.

A workflow combining numeric modelling and experiments was elaborated. The workflow reveals and quantifies the effect of structural elements of microfluidic LP-TEM reactors on mass transport. Moreover, the effect of flow on the radiolysis reaction network was analysed. The acquired knowledge led to the development of customized LP-TEM mixing reactors with optimized mass transport.

This thesis derives general guidelines for LP-TEM flow experiments and showcases model experiments to demonstrate the progress towards quantitative LP-TEM studies.