nanoGUNE Colloquium: Plasmons in atomically flat materials, fundamentals and applications

CIC nanoGUNE Seminars

Javier Garcia de Abajo, ICFO, Nanophotonics Theory
nanoGUNE seminar room, Tolosa Hiribidea 76, Donostia - San Sebastian
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nanoGUNE Colloquium: Plasmons in atomically flat materials, fundamentals and applications Plasmons in atomic-scale structures exhibit intrinsic quantum phenomena related to both the finite confinement that they undergo and the small number of electrons on which they are supported. Their interaction with two-level emitters is also evidencing strong quantum effects. In this talk we will discuss several salient features of plasmons in atomic-scale materials, such as graphene and atomic layers of noble metals. In particular, we will explore their ability to mediate ultrafast heat transfer, the generation of high harmonics, their interaction with molecules and quantum emitters, and their extreme nonlinearity down to the single-photon level. We will further analyze in detail the plasmonic response of atomically-thin crystalline films of silver, the plasmons of which have been recently demonstrated experimentally. **Host:** J. M. Pitarke