ONLINE - PhD Mid-term Seminar Series: Non-equilibrium phase transitions in ferromagnetic thin films

CIC nanoGUNE Seminars

Mikel Quintana, Nanomagnetism Group
nanoGUNE online Webinar
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ONLINE - PhD Mid-term Seminar Series: Non-equilibrium phase transitions in ferromagnetic thin films

**Non-equilibrium phase transitions in ferromagnetic thin films** Mikel Quintana Nanonmagnetism Group, CIC nanoGUNE The dynamic phase transitions (DPT) have arisen in the recent years as an intriguing phenomenon in the context of non-equilibrium physics due to their similarities with the conventional paramagnetic-ferromagnetic phase transition of ferromagnets. However, their experimental verification has been very limited and only practically available thanks to recent advances in magneto- optics and thin film fabrications with tunable magnetic properties. In this seminar, our recent experimental studies regarding the DPTs will be reviewed. Firstly, the core experimental methods required for the observation of the DPTs will be reviewed. Then, our studies regarding the existence of a generalized conjugate field, as well as the scaling behavior of the DPTs will be discussed in detail. \---------- PhD Mid-term Seminar Series: Mikel Quintana & Matteo Menniti \- CIC nanoGUNE When: Sep 6, 2021 11:00 AM **Join Zoom Meeting** * Thank you very much for your participation!