Outreach and communication at nanoGUNE

CIC nanoGUNE Seminars

Itziar Otegui, Outreach Manager
nanoGUNE seminar room, Tolosa Hiribidea 76, Donostia - San Sebastian
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Outreach and communication at nanoGUNE

**Outreach and communication at nanoGUNE** Itziar Otegui CIC nanoGUNE In this seminar, we will present nanoGUNEs **Outreach activities**. We believe that the role of science and technology in society has never been so important as it is today. This is why we organize and participate in many science outreach activities, events and projects, with the purpose of spreading an egalitarian scientific culture and inspire a critical society. The **presentation** will focus on: 1. The relevance of Communication and Dissemination in Research. 2. NanoGUNEs Outreach Agenda and Communication activities. 3. Useful tools to reach the audience. **It would undoubtedly be impossible to meet our commitment without you, the nanoGUNE community!** Therefore, we are now gathering **expressions of interest** to participate in the Outreach activities, in order to give you more detailed information about each activity or project. You are welcome to feel in **[this form](https://www.nanogune.eu/en/nanopeople/outreach/outreach-activities)** * now or after the presentation! Upcoming activities for which we need volunteers are: 1. The School Visits program (Starting on the 27th October 2022 – May 2023) 2. **Elhuyar Zientzia Azoka \- mentorship** 3. Workshop for students in the **Innovation week** (Week INN)- by Fomento DSS (25 October) 4. **Science Week UPV/EHU**. Science stand from 9 to 12 November & Workshop for families on the 12 of November) 5. **Pride in Science - Harrotasuna Zientzian** (November 18) 6. Lab tour for Families and Friends (before Christmas) [Tentative] 7. Women in Science - **Emakumeak Zientzian project** (February 2023) 8. **Pint of Science **(May 2023) All these activities are a great opportunity to improve communication skills, especially devoted to the general public. We encourage all the community to get involved and, especially predoctoral researchers and researchers with grants that require to carry out communication and dissemination activities. Volunteers will receive a certificate of participation. Thanks to all in advance and I hope to see you in the seminar! _*Form: Login to nanopeople is required to see the form._ **Host:** Itziar Otegui