Chirality switching and ultra-fast vortex domain wall motion in magnetic nanotubes

CIC nanoGUNE Seminars

Pedro Landeros, Valparaiso, Chile
nanoGUNE seminar room, Tolosa Hiribidea 76, Donostia - San Sebastian
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Chirality switching and ultra-fast vortex domain wall motion in magnetic nanotubes We study the effects of an electric current and magnetic field pulses on the domain wall motion of a magnetic nanotube. We show that proper interplay between the spin torque and the Oersted field from the current flowing along the tube, can be used to manipulate the position, velocity and chirality of a vortex domain wall. Also, by applying magnetic field pulses. It is found that the chiral state of the vortex wall can be switched provided that (i) the field amplitude is between two critical values, the so-called chiral field and the well-known Walker field, and (ii) the pulse duration is longer than a critical time, which is the time that the wall needs in order to overcome a local energy barrier. Moreover, the classical Oersted field, which more than frequently is ignored over spin-transfer effects, suppresses the precessional motion, leading to domain wall propagation at ultra-fast velocities, of the order of several thousands meters per second for experimentally accessible electric currents.