Application of nanotechnology in plant sciences: efficient introduction of nanoparticles to plant cells

CIC nanoGUNE Seminars

Susana Martin-Ortigosa, Iowa State University, Iowa, USA
nanoGUNE seminar room, Tolosa Hiribidea 76, Donostia - San Sebastian
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Application of nanotechnology in plant sciences: efficient introduction of nanoparticles to plant cells In recent years, nanotechnology has supposed a revolution in biological sciences. Biologist are taking advantage of its enormous potential, and continuously nanoparticles are validated as precise and powerful tools for sensing, imaging, cell targeting or drug delivery. When it comes to plant sciences, the use of nanoparticles is hampered mainly because of the presence of the cell wall in plant cells. The development of nanotechnology in plant research requires efficient techniques for the introduction of different types of nanoparticles to plant cells. The biolistic method is extensively used by plant researchers to introduce microparticles and DNA molecules to intact plant tissues. We have worked in two different directions to improve nanoparticle- DNA introduction to plant cells through the biolistic method. First, a modification of the nature of Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles (MSNs) was performed. MSNs surfaces were gold plated to increase density, and therefore the momentum of nanoparticles during bombardment. Second, bombardment with a combination of nanoparticles (MSNs or gold nanorods) and commercially available 0.6 μm gold microcarriers drastically improved nanoparticle delivery to plant cells. We foresee these methodologies will provide a promising way to converge nanobiotechnology and plant sciences.