Polymer embedded magnetic micro and nano-structures

CIC nanoGUNE Seminars

Marco Donolato, Nanomagnetism Group
nanoGUNE seminar room, Tolosa Hiribidea 76, Donostia - San Sebastian
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Polymer embedded magnetic micro and nano-structures Devices realized on stretchable, nonplanar, and biocompatible substrates have been widely studied in the last few years because of their huge potential for applications [1, 2]. On the other hand, there has been very limited work so far exploring the utilization of these new functional substrates for magnetic devices. Here, we present for the first time the integration of magnetic nanostructures on a flexible poly(dimethilsiloxilane) PDMS and NOA-81 membrane. We will report the initial results obtained by patterning magnetic nanostructures directly on the PDMS membrane that showed that the magnetic properties are maintained in the free-standing devices[3]. However large area patterning of nanostructures directly on flexible substrates is far from being the optimal solution, due to the difficulties arising from the non-planar surface topography, heat treatments and the use of required solvents. For this reason we conceived and optimized a novel technique for transferring magnetic nanostructures previously fabricated on a standard Si substrate to a polymeric substrate. We show that this method allows to transfer in an easy and reliable way large arrays of nanostructures directly unto a polymeric membrane without using any solvent or chemical etchant. We checked for possible changes of the micromagnetic configurations in the transferred nanostructures both with scanning probe microscopy and with magneto-optical Kerr effect measurements. In addition, we studied the polymer-dependent formation of wrikles in detail, which is potentially interesting for realizing stretchable magneto-electronic devices. As a first application, we will present our recent efforts toward the transfer of functional spintronic devices into a polymer. Finally, toward the development of a magnetic lab-on- a-chip platform, we transferred arrays of nanostructures capable to trap, release and manipulate magnetic particles directly onto both sides a PDMS microfluidic channel. **References** [1] J.A. Rogers, T. Someya, Y.Huang, Science, 327, 1606 (2010) [2] T. Someya, Nat. Mater. 9, 879 (2010) [3] M.Donolato, F.Lofink, S.Hankemeier, J.Porro, H.P.Oepen, and P.Vavassori. J.Appl.Phys. 111, 07B336 (2012)