Quantum Transport in Disordered Graphene: Scaling Properties, Magnetism and Spin relaxation Mechanism
CIC nanoGUNE Seminars
- Speaker
Stephan Roche, Catalan Institute of Nanotechnology
- When
12:00 - Place
- nanoGUNE seminar room, Tolosa Hiribidea 76, Donostia - San Sebastian
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Host: Emilio Artacho
> This talk will focus on the presentation of transport properties in
> graphene-based-materials containing disorder or specific structural
> morphologies such as grain boundaries in polycrystalline samples. The used
> multiscale quantum transport methodologies combine state-of-the-art first-
> principles with real space order N tight-binding approaches, will be shown
> to enable in-depth analysis of charge (and spin) transport fingerprints of
> realistic models of defected graphene of interest for industrial
> applications.
> Here, we will explore the effect of grain boundaries in polycrystalline
> graphene limiting charge mobilities in large-scale materials used in
> transparent electrodes applications. We will also discuss the origin of spin
> relaxation in graphene which is currently a highly debated issue, with
> reported spin diffusion times about 1 nanosecond, that is three orders of
> magnitude lower than expected, whereas the nature of relaxation fluctuates
> between Elliot-Yaffet and Dyakonov Perel mechanism with no consensus and
> puzzling experimental features. All these issues also point towards
> revisiting the way such fundamental length scales are usually extracted in
> experiments (Hanle Measurements, two-terminal magnetoresistance), prior to
> the development of spin manipulation and revolutionary spin devices.
> ** _ _**
> ** _Bibliography_**
> S. Roche, N. Leconte, F. Ortmann, A. Lherbier, D. Soriano, J.-Ch. Charlier,
> _Quantum transport in disordered graphene: A theoretical perspective_ ,
> **Solid State Communications** , 152, 1404-1410 (2012)
> D. Soriano, N. Leconte, P Ordejon, J.-Ch. Charlier, J.-J. Palacios, and
> **S. Roche** , _Magnetoresistance and Magnetic Ordering Fingerprints in
> Hydrogenated Graphene_ ,
> **Physical Review Letters** 107, 016602 (2011)
> A. Lherbier, S.M.M. Dubois, X. Declerck, Sr. Roche, Y.-M. Niquet and J.C.
> Charlier,
> _Two-dimensional Graphene with Structural Defects: Elastic Mean Free Path,
> Minimum Conductivity and Anderson_
> **Physical Review Letters** , 106, 046803 (2011)
> T.Dinh et al, submitted for publication