Nature's nanocomposite materials - structural design principles and mechanical performance

CIC nanoGUNE Seminars

Prof. Peter Fratzl, Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces
nanoGUNE seminar room, Tolosa Hiribidea 76, Donostia - San Sebastian
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Nature's nanocomposite materials - structural design principles and mechanical performance **Host** : Mato Knez Nanostructure and mechanical function of natural hybrid materials: A great variety of natural materials with outstanding mechanical properties have appeared in the course of evolution. This includes wood, grasses, bone, sea shells or glass sponges, which are hybrid materials composed of proteins or polysaccharides and – sometimes – mineral. They resist fracture, adapt to loads and show self-healing behavior. Some of these materials are even able to generate force or movement without an intrinsic energy supply. The lecture will review some of the structural principles observed in such biological load-carrying and actuating hybrid materials.