MBE-STM: from quantized anomalous Hall effect to high temperature superconductivity.
MBE-STM: from quantized anomalous Hall effect to high temperature superconductivity.
CIC nanoGUNE Seminars
- Speaker
COLLOQUIUM. Qikun Xue, Professor of Physics, Vice President for Research,Tsinghua University, China
- When
- Place
- nanoGUNE seminar room, Tolosa Hiribidea 76, Donostia - San Sebastian
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Prof. Qi-Kun Xue received his PhD from Institute of Physics, the Chinese
Academy of Sciences (CAS) in 1994. From 1994 to 2000, he worked as a Research
Associate at IMR, Tohoku University, Japan and a visiting Assistant Professor
at Department of Physics, North Carolina State University, USA. He became a
professor at Institute of Physics, CAS in 1999. He was elected into The
Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2005. Since 2005, he has been a chair professor
in Department of Physics, Tsinghua University.
He is one of the most successful scientist in combining MBE growth of novel
materials (Topological Insulators, Superconductors, including Iron based) with
in-situ characterization by photoemission and scanning tunnelling
microscopy/spectroscopy. This rendered him with recognition in the surface
science community, as was one of the few groups accessing to mesoscopic
phenomena of correlated charges and spins in model and atomically clean
In particular, he investigates low-dimensional and interface-related high
temperature superconductivity, and quantum phenomena in topological
insulators. Among many different findings, his group realized experimentally
the quantized anomalous Hall effect in magnetically doped topological
insulator in 2013.
** **
Host** : **J.M. Pitarke **