Can the Angle Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy Finally Solve the Problem of High Tc Superconductivity?
DIPC Seminars
- Speaker
Tonica Valla
Donostia International Physics Center - When
12:00 - Place
- Hybrid Seminar: Donostia International Physics Center
- Host
- Ricardo Diez Muino
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Cuprate high Tc superconductors (HTSC) may hold the promise of lossless transport of electrical power, a net positive fusion power generation and quantum computing devices, but more than 35 years after the discovery and intense research, the mechanism of HTSC in cuprates remains unresolved. Here, I will present capabilities of angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) and show that this technique is perfectly suited to provide a smoking gun evidence for the pairing mechanism in cuprates, just as the planar tunneling was for conventional superconductors. I will present the ARPES studies of a prototypical cuprate, Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d, in a wide range of doping, covering not only the superconducting dome, but also its endpoint on the overdoped side and the non- superconducting metallic phase. In the strongly overdoped regime, where superconductivity is the only remaining order, free of complications that usually pollute the underdoped regime, we detect anomaly in the state?s dispersion that monotonically weakens with increasing doping and completely disappears precisely where superconductivity disappears ? a tell-tale sign of its involvement in the pairing interaction. Our studies suggest that the resolution of high Tc problem might finally be in sight. I will also indicate some of the new directions where the ARPES and HTSCs, in combination with other materials, might continue to amaze us.
Host: Ricardo Diez Muino