DIPC Community Seminars: Novel collective electronic phenomena in engineered 2D quantum materials

DIPC Seminars

Miguel Moreno Ugeda
Donostia International Physics Center
Donostia International Physics Center (Hybrid Seminar)
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DIPC Community Seminars: Novel collective electronic phenomena in engineered 2D quantum materials

DIPC Community Seminar

In this seminar, I will present an overview of the key research directions of our group at the DIPC/CFM over the past five years, tailored for a broad, non-specialist audience. Our work focuses on the nanoscale exploration of novel collective electronic phenomena in 2D quantum materials. I will highlight our major findings, with a particular focus on the study of 2D unconventional superconductivity. Additionally, I will describe our advanced capabilities in both bottom-up and top-down synthesis of 2D materials and their integration into complex heterostructures, including moiré quantum materials.