Olympiad Mathematics for children: How and Why?
DIPC Seminars
- Speaker
Stepan Tsirkin
CFM - When
12:00 - Place
- DIPC Seminar Room
- Host
- Laura Navarro
- Add to calendar

During the past year, I have been organizing a club for children (from 8 to 18 years old) to solve some advanced Olympiad problems. In this talk, I would like to share my experience and explain how we are doing it, what the motivation is, and what we have achieved. Briefly: we do it because it is fun (both for children and for me), but there are also some positive side effects. I also want to discuss the state of the Olympiad Math movement in Spain and the Basque Country in particular, comparing it to my background in Russia, and hear your opinion and some stories about how it is in your countries of origin. So, I expect a lively discussion.
I am moving to another country soon, and I want to leave the club in good hands. Laura Navarro (DIPC) has volunteered to take over the club, and she will be present at the talk, sharing her view on the subject and her experience in the Olympiad movement of Zaragoza. However, we need more volunteers to keep the club sustainable. If you are interested in assisting as a teacher, please come to the talk or contact me at any time. Your children are also welcome to join the club.
More information on the club: math.dipc.org
Zoom: https://dipc-org.zoom.us/j/
YouTube: https://youtube.com/live/