Quantum coherent single-spin dynamics measurable in DC electrical transport

DIPC Seminars

Michael E. Flatte
University of Iowa, EEUU
In-person seminar: Donostia International Physics Center
Nicolas Lorente
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Quantum coherent single-spin dynamics measurable in DC electrical transport

A broad range of quantum-coherent spin centers have been identified in optically accessible materials, especially including nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond, divacancies and transition-metal dopants in silicon carbide, and even spin centers in two-dimensional materials such as hexagonal boron nitride. Some of these materials, such as silicon carbide, permit good electrical transport, and other spin centers have been found in materials that cannot be easily probed optically. Some of these, such as dopants and defects in silicon electronics, have been probed using electron spin resonance techniques such as electrically- detected magnetic resonance (EDMR) that require a microwave field. These approaches are closely related to novel STM-ESR techniques. Recently it has become clear that dc techniques can electrically manipulate and measure the spin dynamics of spin centers through the establishment and release of electrical transport bottlenecks. The key requirements of these approaches are a spin-polarized electrical contact and a small transverse magnetic field, however no microwave field of any type is required. Examples of this approach will be described, including dc magnetoresistance measurements of hyperfine interactions at room temperature in a trap at the Si-SiOx interface, a proposal to measure the micro-eV-scale exchange and hyperfine fields between spins in a semiconductor, and the application of such quantum coherent spin dynamics to all-electrical solid-state quantum magnetometry. Aspects of this work were supported by DOE DE-SC0016447 and HDTRA1-18-1-0012