Time-resolved photoemission spectroscopy at free-electron lasers
DIPC Seminars
- Speaker
Kai Rossnagel, Kiel University and DESY
- When
13:00 - Place
- Donostia International Physics Center
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Free-electron lasers (FELs) are currently the only ultrashort-pulsed photon
sources that can provide sufficient photon flux for time-resolved pump-probe
solid-state photoemission measurements in the soft and hard x-ray regime. In
principle, FELs enable powerful combinations of photoemission techniques,
augmented by femtosecond time resolution, in a single experiment. We
particularly envision a pump-probe photoemission experiment in which the
electronic structure dynamics in energy-momentum space, the chemical dynamics
at atomic sites, and the local structural dynamics around atomic sites are
simultaneously tracked at the fundamental timescales of electronic and atomic
motion by combined time-resolved ARPES, XPS, and XPD. Intriguingly, when hard
x-ray FEL radiation is used, the nonequilibrium electron and lattice dynamics
can be probed even in the bulk of materials or at buried interfaces. This is
especially useful in complex materials or device-like structures where the
complete ultrafast photoemission movie provides direct dynamical information
on, e.g., the couplings between electronic and structural degrees of freedom
or the interfacial carrier dynamics. Here, we give a brief overview of the
current status of time-resolved photoemission at FELs. Specifically, we
present results obtained from complex materials such as 1T-TaS2, YbInCu4, VO2,
and SrTiO3 at the soft x-ray FEL FLASH and the hard x-ray FEL SACLA,
respectively. The results demonstrate the practical viability and possible
wider impact of FEL-based time-resolved photoemission, but they also
illustrate the need for high-repetition-rate FELs such as FLASH and the
European XFEL.
Host: Eugene Krasovskii