A mesoscale approach to the creep phenomenon
A mesoscale approach to the creep phenomenon
DIPC Seminars
- Speaker
Ricardo Fernández, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Metalurgicas, CENIM, Madrid
- When
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- Donostia International Physics Center
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The empirical power law equation that governs the creep behavior of metals has
allowed to understand some of the main characteristics of this phenomenon. In
some cases, the description of the creep is based on some (apparently simple)
equations developed at the microscopic scale, as the well accepted Orowan
and/or Taylor equations. However, many other points regarding this phenomenon
still remain unexplained for decades, which limits the predictive capacity of
current models. In a collaboration between CENIM and BAM, a new vision of the
creep phenomenon at the mesoscale is being developed. This description is
based in three concepts: Creep can be described as a solid state
transformation, the mesoscale characteristics of the microstructure; /i.e./
its fractal nature controls the strain evolution, and the interactions among a
huge number of dislocations must be considered for a fundamental and
predictive physical description of the creep phenomenon. In the present talk
we introduce the main ideas of this very exciting path that we are walking and
expect to finish in the next years.
Host: Javier Aizpurua