Single-Particle Chemical Physics: From plasmonic strong coupling to microsecond motions in biological machines

DIPC Seminars

Gilad Haran, Chemical and Biological Physics Department, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
Donostia International Physics Center
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Single-Particle Chemical Physics:  From plasmonic strong coupling to microsecond motions in biological machines The observation of microscopic dynamics using single-molecule/particle spectroscopy has revolutionized Chemical Physics. In this lecture I will describe two recent contributions from my lab. First, I will demonstrate quantum optics with semiconductor nanocrystals coupled strongly to individual plasmonic cavities. Second, I will show that large motions within proteins, probed by single-molecule FRET, can take place on the microsecond time scale, several orders of magnitude faster than functional cycles. Host: Javier Aizpurua