Quantum walks are versatile toy models for periodically driven systems in the
nonperturbative regime of low-frequency and high-intensity drive. In this
regime, systems can have "hidden" topological invariants: they can host
topologically protected edge states even if their effective Hamiltonian is
topologically trivial. I will discuss schemes we developed[1,2] to measure the
bulk topological invariants, including the "hidden" ones, directly, which also
work in the case with spatial disorder, and which have recently been measured
in quantum walk experiments[3,4].
[1]: T Rakovszky, JK Asbóth, A Alberti: Detecting topological invariants in
chiral symmetric insulators via losses, Phys Rev B 95 (20), 201407
[2]: B Tarasinski, JK Asbóth, JP Dahlhaus: Scattering theory of topological
phases in discrete-time quantum walks, Phys Rev A 89 (4), 042327
[3]: Zhan, X., Xiao, L., Bian, Z., Wang, K., Qiu, X., Sanders, B.C., Yi, W.
and Xue, P.: Detecting topological invariants in nonunitary discrete-time
quantum walks. Phys Rev Lett, 119(13), 130501
[4]: S Barkhofen, T Nitsche, F Elster, L Lorz, A Gábris, I Jex, C Silberhorn:
Measuring topological invariants in disordered discrete-time quantum walks
Phys Rev A 96 (3), 033846
Host: Geza Giedke