Neutron science and applications: From clean energy and homeland security to neutrino physic
Neutron science and applications: From clean energy and homeland security to neutrino physic
DIPC Seminars
- Speaker
Erez Gilad, Ben Gurion University, Israel
- When
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- Online Seminar, Donostia International Physics Center
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Neutron science is a broad and diverse field of research. Understanding the
nature of neutron interaction with matter constitutes a significant challenge
for scientists since the discovery of the neutron. This challenge is addressed
on multiple scales, from the individual particle scattered from a molecule or
an atom in a lattice to the collective behavior of billions of neutrons in a
nuclear reactor core. Overcoming this challenge enables scientists and
engineers to use neutrons for various scientific, medical, industrial, and
security purposes. Some recent neutronic studies will be reviewed in this
seminar, mainly related to neutron transport, nuclear energy, and neutrino
physics at the European Spallation Source (ESS) and the NEXT experiment.
Host: Francesc Monrabal
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