Quantum Consensus Dynamics by Entangling Maxwell Demon

DIPC Seminars

Rosa Lopez, Instituto de Fíısica Interdisciplinar y Sistemas Complejos IFISC (CSIC-UIB), Palma de Mallorca
Hybrid Seminar, Donostia International Physics Center
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Quantum Consensus Dynamics by Entangling Maxwell Demon We introduce a Maxwell demon which generates many-body entanglement robustly against bit-flip noises, which allows us to obtain quantum advantage. Adopting the protocol of the voter model used for opinion dynamics approaching consensus, the demon randomly selects a qubit pair and performs a quantum feedback control, in continuous repetitions. We derive upper bounds of the entropy reduction and the work extraction rates by demon's operation, which are determined by a competition between the quantum-classical mutual information acquired by the demon and the absolute irreversibility of the feedback control. Our finding of the upper bounds corresponds to a reformulation of the second law of thermodynamics under a class of Maxwell demon which generates many-body entanglement in a working substance. ZOOM: [https://dipc-org.zoom.us/j/88578820323](https://dipc- org.zoom.us/j/88578820323) Host: Sebastián Bergeret