Public private partnerships for large scientific projects

DIPC Seminars

Miguel Angel Carrera, Added Value Solutions (AVS)
Donostia International Physics Center
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Public private partnerships for large scientific projects AVS' examples on leveraging scientists scientific proposals with sound technological back up in the fields of Astronomy, Particle physics and Space. **Miguel Angel Carrera** is the co-founder and CEO of the company AVS. He has a Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering and a MSc in Precision Engineering from Sheffield Hallam University in the United Kingdom. In addition, he is an Executive MBA from the ESEUNE Business School. After 10 years in a technology centre, in 2006 he founded AVS, which was followed by SCIENTIFICA, LICUOS, CTECH NANO, AVS UK, QUEVEDOS, AVS US, TVP and URA, forming the DIECAROS group. In addition, he was the founder and president of the Spanish Association of Science Industry -INEUSTAR-, where he is Vice- President today. Host: Ricardo Diez Muino