Anomalous Quantum Oscillations in Metals and Insulators
Anomalous Quantum Oscillations in Metals and Insulators
DIPC Seminars
- Speaker
Johannes Knolle, Technical University of Munich, Germany
- When
- Place
- Donostia International Physics Center
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Quantum oscillation phenomena describe the periodic variation of thermodynamic
and transport properties of materials as a function of magnetic field. Their
observation is commonly assumed to be a definite sign for the presence of a
Fermi surface (FS) in metals. Indeed, the effect forms the basis of a well-
established experimental procedure for accurately measuring FS topology and
geometry of metallic systems, with parameters commonly extracted by fitting to
the Onsager and Lifshitz-Kosevich (LK) theories based on Fermi liquid theory.
In this talk I will discuss recent experimental and theoretical developments
which challenge the canonical description of quantum oscillations. I will
first review our work on quantum oscillations in insulators. Second, I will
discuss the possibility of sharp quantum oscillation frequencies in metals
which do not correspond to Fermi surface orbits. Finally, I will present a
rigorous example how inter-Landau level interactions in doped Mott insulators
can lead to a-periodic quantum oscillations and unusual mass renormalisations.
Host: Maia G. Vergniory