Twist-free quantum simulation of twisted bi-layer materials
DIPC Seminars
- Speaker
Tymoteusz Salamon, ICFO, Spain
- When
14:00 - Place
- Donostia International Physics Center
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Quantum materials form one of the most prominent and prospective fields of
quantum technologies. They make use of strong Inter-particle interactions to
foster new, highly correlated phases of matte. Successful realisation of Magic
Angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene (MATBG) has paved a new branch quantum
materials - so called flat band systems. In these systems kinetic energy of
the carriers is suppressed with respect to interactions allowing interactions
to play a major role in system’s behaviour. However, new geometry of the
system resulting from the twisting of one layer with respect to the other -
known as Moiré pattern - effectively disables any attempts to study
microscopic properties due to the huge size of the new supercell. In this talk
I will present a twist-free quantum simulator - a platform based on ultra-cold
neutral atoms in optical lattice, that mimics some of the fundamental
properties of these highly complex 2D materials such as MATBG, but without a
necessity of real twisting - hence no Moire patterns [2]
[1] Cao, Y., Fatemi, V., Fang, S. et al. Unconventional superconductivity in
magic-angle graphene superlattices. Nature 556, 43–50 (2018).
[2] T. Salamon, A. Celi, R. W. Chhajlany, et. al. Simulating Twistronics
without a Twist. Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 030504
Host: Tobias Grass