WORKSHOP:Highlights in Quantum Condensed Matter Physics (June 17-23, 2011)

DIPC Seminars

Highlights in Quantum Condensed Matter Physics (June 17-23, 2011)
Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC).Paseo Manuel de Lardizabal, 4 (nearby the Facultad de Quimica), Donostia
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WORKSHOP:Highlights in Quantum Condensed Matter Physics (June 17-23, 2011) The aim of this workshop is to bring together leading researchers working at the frontier of Condensed Matter Physics, in topics which include Graphene and Topological Insulators, High-Tc Superconductivity, Superconductivity at the Mesoscale, and Ultracold Atomic Gases. **Invited speakers (Confirmed) ** V. Aji (UC Riverside) D. Arovas (UC San Diego) L. Balents (UC Santa Barbara) P. Bourges (CEA, Saclay) G. S. Boebinger (NHMFL, Florida) J. C. Cuevas (Autonomous University of Madrid) K. Efetov (Bochum) M. Fogler (UC San Diego) T. Giamarchi (Geneva) L. Glazman (Yale) M. Goldstein (Yale) J. Gonzalez (CSIC, Madrid) F. D. M. Haldane (Princeton) T. T. Heikkila (Helsinki) F. Hekking (Grenoble) P. Jarillo-Herrero (MIT) A. Kapitulnik (Stanford) M. Kharitonov (Rutgers) S. Kivelson (Stanford) A. Levy Yeyati (Autonomous University of Madrid) L. Martin-Moreno (Zaragoza) J. Meyer (Grenoble) L. Molenkamp (Wuerzburg) A. Muramatsu (Stuttgart) Y. Oreg (Weizmann) M. Oshikawa (ISSP, Tokyo) M. Polini (SNS, Pisa) I. Safi (Orsay) C. Salomon (ENS, Paris) J. Schmalian (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) Z. X. Shen (Stanford) S.-W. Tsai (UC Riverside) M. A. H. Vozmediano (CSIC, Madrid) S.-K. Yip (Academia Sinica, Taiwan) S. C. Zhang (Stanford) **Organizers ** F. Sebastian Bergeret (CFM-CSIC & DIPC) Miguel A. Cazalilla (CFM-CSIC & DIPC) Chandra M. Varma (UC Riverside) F. (Paco) Guinea (ICMM-CSIC)