Strong correlations and dispersion interactions with non-orthogonal local orbitals

DIPC Seminars

Arash Mostofi, Imperial College London, UK (host: Ivo Souza, CFM)
Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC).Paseo Manuel de Lardizabal, 4 (nearby the Facultad de Quimica), Donostia
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Strong correlations and dispersion interactions with non-orthogonal local orbitals Strong correlations and dispersion interactions with non-orthogonal local orbitals In this talk I will focus on two strands of work. First, I will describe the underlying methodology behind a linear-scaling implementation of DFT+U within the ONETEP code[1]. A unique feature is that the Hubbard projectors can be non-orthogonal and are determined self-consistently during the optimisation procedure, rather than being chosen arbitrarily a priori[2]. I will show some results for a prototypical dilute magnetic semiconductor (Ga,Mn)As in the very dilute (0.1%) doping limit. Second, I will describe a very simple approach based on orthogonal Wannier functions for including dispersion interactions in DFT non-self-consistently[3,4] and explain the problems associated with applying it within a framework of non-orthogonal generalised Wannier functions (NGWFs), such as those used in most linear-scaling DFT codes. Finally, I will briefly discuss and show recent results of our implementation of a van der Waals DFT density functional[5] based on the approach of Soler[6]. [1] NDM Hine, PD Haynes, AA Mostofi, C-K Skylaris & MC Payne, Comput. Phys. Commun., 180, 1041 (2009) [2] DD O’Regan, NDM Hine, MC Payne & AA Mostofi, PRB 82, 081102(R) (2010); DD O’Regan, MC Payne & AA Mostofi, PRB 83, 245124 (2011); PRB 85, 085107 (2012) [3] PL Silvestrelli, PRL 100, 053002 (2008); JPC A 113, 5224, (2009) [4] L Andrinopoulos, NDM Hine & AA Mostofi, JCP 135, 154105 (2011) [5] M Dion et al, PRL 92, 246401 (2004); Lee et al, PRB 82, 081101 (2010) [6] G Roman-Perez, JM Soler, PRL 103, 096102 (2009) \-----------