Supercurrents in Josephson junctions with ferromagnetic barriers are short-
lived and consequently they decay within a ferromagnetic thickness of a few
nanometers unless the superconductor / ferromagnet interfaces (S/F) allow
spin-aligned triplet Cooper pairs to form [1]. Although much of the
theoretical work describing this effect has modeled ideal S-F-S junctions in
which domain walls (DWs) or DW-like structures (see, e.g., [1] and reference
therein) reside at the interfaces, in real devices it is not easily possible
to isolate a DW and propagate a supercurrent through it. This means that the
effect of the DW structure on the supercurrent has yet to be explored
experimentally. In this seminar I will present experimental results which
demonstrate enhanced supercurrents, consistent with spin-triplet theory, in a
variety of ferromagnetic Josephson junctions with DW-like barriers; in
particular, I will discuss junctions containing synthetic antiferromagnets
(Fe/Cr/Fe [2]) and rare earth spin-spirals, such as Ho [3], Ho/Co/Ho [4], and
Ni/Gd/Ni [5].
[1] FS Bergeret, AF Volkov, KB Efetov, Rev. Mod. Phys. 77, 1321 (2005).
[2] JWA Robinson, GB Hala?sz, AI Buzdin, MG Blamire, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104,
207001 (2010).
[3] JDS Witt, JWA Robinson, MG Blamire, submitted (2012).
[4] JWA Robinson, JDS Witt, MG Blamire, Science 359, 1189246 (2010).
[5] JWA Robinson, F Chiodi, M Egilmez, GB Hala?sz, MG Blamire, submitted