**TiO 2(110): a flexible playground for thin film growth of aromatic
_Luca Floreano_
_IOM-CNR, Laboratorio TASC, Trieste, Italy_
Until now, much effort has been devoted to the study of organic semiconductors
on metal substrates. Good control of the interface structural and electronic
properties has been achieved on these hybrid junctions, whereas dielectrics
have been hitherto regarded as inert substrates where the structure,
morphology and electronic transport of the organic overlayer are simply
dictated by the intermolecular van der Waal's attraction. However, when the
device miniaturization is pushed down to the thickness of a few molecular
layers, the interaction with the dielectric, although weak, cannot be
neglected any longer. In the past few years, the TiO2(110) rutile surface
emerged as the most relevant dielectric capable of supporting the oriented
growth of molecular overlayers thanks to its large anisotropic corrugation.
The large spacing (6.5 Å) between the Oxygen rows protruding out of the
surface, is well matched to host the aromatic rings of organic molecules
organized into periodic arrays, such as the high symmetry C60 molecule [1].
The uniaxial pentacene molecule also forms planar phases, that can be
stabilized for a few layer thickness into an artificial geometry that mimicks
the bulk-like electronic structure [2].
In addition, TiO2(110) offers the opportunity of playing the dual role of
either conductive or insulating substrate. This surface displays the natural
tendency to loose Oxygen atoms upon mild annealing. in vacuum The excess of
charge associated with the formation of an Oxygen vacancy gives rise to the
emergence of a new electronic state in the gap, effectively making conductive
the surface. Very recently, we have deomonstrated by a novel technique,
resonant photoelectron diffraction [3], that the defect state, which is known
to display a clear Ti 3d character, is associated with a charge redistribution
among multiple Ti sites in the subsurface layers [4]. Most importantly, we
have shown that the localization of the excess of charge is an intrinsic
property of TiO2(110), irrespective of the mechanism of charge injection [5].
This observation paves the way to the formation of an hybrid junction where
charge transfer can take place, like on metal electrodes. While we have
observed no charge transfer between TiO2 and either pentacene (donor) or C60
(acceptor), preliminary results indicate that the TiO2(110) defect state is
effectively quenched upon growth of a commensurate monolayer of a specific
perylene-derivative (PTCDI, acceptor). From comparison with the monolayer
phase of the bare perylene molecule (donor), we have seen by resonant
photoemission that the substrate excess of charge is transferred (statically)
from the Ti sites to the C and N backbone of the PTCDI molecules.
[1] C. Sanchez-Sanchez, V. Lanzilotto, C. Gonzalez, A. Verdini, P. de Andres,
L. Floreano, M.F. Lopez, and J.A. Martin-Gago, " _Weakly interacting molecular
layer of Spinning C60 molecules on TiO2(110) surfaces_ ", **Chem. Eur. J.**
_18_ (2012) 7382.
[2] V. Lanzilotto, C. Sanchez-Sanchez, G. Bavdek, D. Cvetko, M.F. Lopez, J.A.
Martin-Gago, and L. Floreano, " _Planar growth of pentacene on the dielectric
TiO2(110) surface_ ", **J. Phys. Chem C** _115_ (2011) 4664.
[3] A. Verdini, P. Krueger and L. Floreano, " _Resonant Photoelectron
Diffarction_ ", in _Surface Analytical Techniques_ , ed. by G. Bracco and B.
Holst, Springer Series in Surface Science (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, in press),
chapter VIII.
[4] P. Krueger, S. Bourgeois, B. Domenichini, H. Magnan, D. Chandesris, P. Le
Fevre, A.M. Flank, J. Jupille, L. Floreano, A. Cossaro, A. Verdini, and A.
Morgante, " _Defect states at the TiO2(110) surface probed by resonant
photoelectron diffraction_ ", **Phys. Rev. Lett.** _100_ (2008) 055501.
[5] P. Krueger, J. Jupille, S. Bourgeois, B. Domenichini, A. Verdini, L.
Floreano, A. Morgante, " _Intrinsic nature of the excess electron distribution
at the TiO2(110) surface_ ", **Phys. Rev. Lett.** _108_ (2012) 126803.