Electrons in the Thomson family: from waves to particles, and back again.

DIPC Seminars

Dr. Jaume Navarro, Ikerbasque Research Professor UPV/EHU
Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC).Paseo Manuel de Lardizabal, 4 (nearby the Facultad de Quimica), Donostia
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Electrons in the Thomson family: from waves to particles, and back again. ** Electrons in the Thomson family: from waves to particles, and back again. ** Jaume Navarro, Ikerbasque Research Professor In 1897, Joseph John Thomson, Professor of Experimental Physics and director of the Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge, ascribed corpuscular nature to the carriers of electricity in cathode rays. This event constitutes what is traditionally known as the _discovery_ of the electron. Exactly thirty years later, his son, George Paget Thomson, obtained the first pictures of electron diffraction, by which he showed the undulatory behaviour of his father’s electrons. Ironically, while the father had proved that a wave phenomenon (the cathode rays) could be explained in terms of corpuscular entities (the electron), the son was claiming back some of the wave aspects of the corpuscle. This is the core story line of this seminar: a biography of the electron in the Thomson family, and, by extension, in the university of Cambridge.