Anharmonic free energies and phonon dispersions from the self-consistent harmonic approximation

DIPC Seminars

Ion Errea, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France
Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC).Paseo Manuel de Lardizabal, 4 (nearby the Facultad de Quimica), Donostia
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Anharmonic free energies and phonon dispersions from the self-consistent harmonic approximation "Anharmonic free energies and phonon dispersions from the self-consistent harmonic approximation" Ion Errea Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France There are many systems of great relevance in condensed matter physics that show strong anharmonic effects. All systems close to dynamical instabilities, for example, cannot be described in the standard harmonic approximation that describes atomic vibrations. Moreover, anharmonic effects might be so strong that perturbation theory breaks down and the theoretical approach needs to go beyond. Such a behavior can be found, for instance, in superconductors, ferroelectrics and thermoelectrics. In this seminar I will present a method that we have recently implemented able to calculate anharmonic free energies and phonon dispersions from a variational principle based on the self- consistent harmonic approximation. Finally, the application of the method in palladium hydrides will be presented. It will be shown that huge anharmonic effects induce the inverse isotope effect in superconducting palladium hydrides.