Conserving approximations for correlated inhomogeneous systems; from molecules to quantum transport

DIPC Seminars

Adrian Stan, École Polytechnique, Saclay, France
Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC). Paseo Manuel de Lardizabal, 4 (nearby the Facultad de Quimica), Donostia
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Conserving  approximations  for  correlated  inhomogeneous  systems;  from  molecules  to  quantum  transport **Conserving approximations for correlated inhomogeneous systems; from molecules to quantum transport ** Adrian Stan Laboratoire des Solides Irradi_x0013_es, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France, and European Theoretical Spectroscopy Facility (ETSF) Abstract The study of electron dynamics and energy transfer fi nds its natural framework in the nonequilibrium Green function method. A relatively simple object – depending on only two coordinates G(x,t;x0,t0) – the Green function contains a wealth of information: electron density and current, total energy, or excitation energies. When conserving self-energy approximations are used to calculate it, i.e., Hartree-Fock, Second Born, GW or T-matrix, the resulting observables satisfy the underlying conservation laws. I will start by introducing a unifying framework to solve the Dyson and the Kadanoff -Baym equations within four di fferent conserving approximations. Before moving forward, I will explore the di fferent levels of self- consistency, in the case of the GW approximation, and investigate their e ffects on total energies, ionization potentials, and particle number. Drawing on the unifi ed formalism, I will move the many-body approach in the time domain to study the short-time dynamics of correlated electrons in isolated molecules and systems connected to metallic leads. This approach fully accounts for electron correlations in the presence of time-dependent external fields, and extends the Meir-Wingreen formula to the time domain. Incorporating many-body e ffects beyond Hartree-Fock leads to a bias-dependent gap closing, quasiparticle broadening, shortening of the transient times and smoothening of the steps in the current-voltage curves. Aside from these immediate e ffects, I will discuss the possibility of fi nding multistability in the density and current of an interacting nanoscale junction coupled to semi-in finite leads. These results are compared with the counterpart observables calculated from time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) and the exact method of time-dependent density matrix renormalization group (tDMRG). Host at DIPC: Peter Koval 8770