Seeing is believing - Novel in situ techniques for studies of model catalysts

DIPC Seminars

Johan Gustafson, Div. of Synchrotron Radiation Research, Lund University, Sweden
Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC).Paseo Manuel de Lardizabal, 4, Donostia
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Seeing is believing - Novel in situ techniques for studies of model catalysts Motivated mainly by catalysis, gas-surface interactions between single crystal surfaces and molecules has been studied for decades. Although, most of these studies have been performed in unrealistically well-controlled environments, they form the basis for the present day understanding of catalysis. We have in recent years explored the possibilities to perform experiments at conditions closer to those of a technical catalyst, in particular at increased pressures. In this contribution, results from catalytic CO oxidation over Pd and Rh single crystal surfaces using high pressure X-ray photoeelectron spectroscopy (HPXPS), planar laser induced fluorescence (PLIF), and high energy surface X-ray diffraction (HESXRD) will be presented. Armed with structural knowledge from ultra-high vacuum experiments, the presence of adsorbed molecules and gas-phase induced structures can be identified, and related to changes in the reactivity and/or to reaction induced gas-flow limitations. The strength and weaknesses of the experimental techniques will be discussed.