Hybrid Upconversion Nanomaterials for Photochemotherapy

DIPC Seminars

Luca Salassa. CIC BiomaGUNE
Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC). Paseo Manuel de Lardizabal, 4, Donostia
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Hybrid Upconversion Nanomaterials for Photochemotherapy Fostered by the success of photodynamic therapy (PDT), the use of light to activate prodrugs is currently gaining momentum in biomedical research. In principle, photoactivation allows to spatially and temporally control the biological effects of a prodrug, hence conferring selectivity to its action and reducing unwanted drawbacks. In the last few years, photoactivatable transition metal complexes have been studied intensively for application in chemotherapy [1]. The interest in this class of derivatives is motivated by a rich photochemistry which can be tailored to promote novel mechanisms of action. Nevertheless, the poor absorption properties of metal complexes in the therapeutic windows of the visible spectrum ( λ > 600 nm) pose a key limitation for further advancing their use towards preclinical and clinical PDT. Upconversion nanoparticles (UCNPs) and their outstanding optical properties offer a superior and effective strategy to achieve efficient photoactivation of metal complexes and overcome their intrinsic flaws [2,3]. Notably, UCNPs can be exploited to access excitedstate chemistryin metal complexes using near infrared light and design innovative hybrid materials for imaging and therapy. In this contribution we will discuss our advances in this emerging field. Financial support by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (grant CTQ2012- 39315 and Ramón y Cajal Fellowship RYC201107787), the EU PF7 program (MCCIG fellowship PCIG11GA2012321791) and the Department of Industry of the Basque Country (grant ETORTEK) is acknowledged. References 1\. Schatzschneider, U.; Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2010, 10, 14511467. 2\. Ruggiero, E.; Habtemariam, A.; Yate, L.; MarequeRivas, J. C.; Salassa, L.; Chem. Commun., 2014, 50, 17151718. 3\. Ruggiero, E.; HernándezGil,