Spintronics in low-dimensional heterostructures: a symmetry-based perspective.

DIPC Seminars

Marta Prada (Dep. de Física, Univ. de Hamburgo)
Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC)
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Spintronics in low-dimensional heterostructures: a symmetry-based perspective. Spintronics in low-dimensional heterostructures: a symmetry-based perspective. Marta Prada Departamento de Física Universidad de Hamburgo In this talk, I will present two lines of research concerning spintronics, both by employing symmetry arguments. The first concerns Si/SiGe heterostructures, where origin of the valley degree of freedom is introduced by using symmetry arguments. Applications in spintronics and numerical results will also be given. The second part is dedicated to spin adatoms in non-magnetic surfaces, where the protection mechanisms have been recently attributed to a non-trivial Berry phase arising from the particular spin and point group symmetry combination.