Photoemission spectroscopies and their application in solid state and material physics

DIPC Seminars

Dr. Federico Mazzola (Department of Physics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway)
Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC)
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Photoemission spectroscopies and their application in solid state and material physics ** Photoemission spectroscopies and their application in solid state and material physics ** Federico Mazzola Understanding the electronic properties of solid state systems is of fundamental importance to all matter. In particular, understanding and tailoring the properties of bound electrons in materials is an indispensable step to broaden our fundamental knowledge in diverse areas, whilst establishing new approaches to design materials with tailored properties. Photoemission spectroscopy is a powerful and versatile tool, able to elucidate the electronic properties of solid state systems and the behavior of bound electrons in a solid. Photoemission gives fundamental insight into the microscopic origin of several physics and chemistry phe- nomena ranging from spin-orbit coupling, electric- and size-driven quantum con nement, crystal eld splitting, many-body interactions to surface-catalysis and surface- reactions. In this talk, I will present some photoemission results for narrow, ultrahigh density doping pro les in semicon- ductors, also called -layers [1, 2]. In particular, I will show how it is possible to tune the quantum con nement in these systems to gain an exquisite control over density and lifetime of carriers. In addition, I will present results for graphene [3]. Speci cally I will focus on the electronic properties of its -band which, even though disperses at energies away from the Fermi level, is a ected by an un- usually strong electron phonon coupling. I will speculate about the possibility of engineering such an e ect to pos- sibly turn graphene into a superconductor. [1] F. Mazzola, C. M. Polley, J. A. Miwa, M. Y. Simmons and J. W. Wells. Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 173108 (2014) [2] F. Mazzola, M. T. Edmonds, K. Hydalsvik, D. J. Carter, N. A. Marks, B. C. C. Cowie, L. Thomsen, J. Miwa, M. Y. Simmons and J. W. Wells. ACS Nano 8, 10 pp 10223- 10228 (2014) [3] F. Mazzola, J. W. Wells, R. Yakimova, S. Ulstrup, J. A. Miwa, R. Balog, M. Bianchi, M. Leandersson, J. Adell, P. Hofmann and T. Balasubramanian. Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 216806 (2013)