Quantum dots - artificial atoms, molecules, or small pieces of bulk? Insights from time-domain ab initio simulations
DIPC Seminars
- Speaker
Oleg Prezdho, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA
- When
14:00 - Place
- Donostia International Physics Center
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Quantum Dots – Artificial Atoms, Large Molecules or Small Pieces of Bulk?
Insights from Time-Domain Ab Initio Studies.
_Oleg Prezhdo_
Department of Chemistry, University of Southern California
Quantum dots (QD) are quasi-zero dimensional structures with a unique
combination of solid-state and atom-like properties. Unlike bulk or molecular
materials, QD properties can be modified continuously by changing QD shape and
size. Often, the bulk and molecular viewpoints contradict each other. The
molecular view suggests strong electron-hole and charge-phonon interactions,
and slow energy relaxation due to mismatch between electronic energy gaps and
phonon frequencies. The bulk view advocates that the kinetic energy of quantum
confinement is greater than electron-hole interactions, that charge-phonon
coupling is weak, and that the relaxation through quasi-continuous bands is
rapid. QDs exhibit new physical phenomena. The phonon bottleneck to electron
energy relaxation and generation of multiple excitons can improve efficiencies
of solar energy devices. The enhanced electron-hole interactions and high
densities of states enable highly-efficient Auger-type processes, including a
new electron transfer mechanism, which are impossible in both bulk and
molecules. The observed QD properties are complicated by presence of ligands,
dopants, defects and other atomistic features. Our state-of-the-art non-
adiabatic molecular dynamics techniques, implemented within time-dependent
density-functional-theory, allow us to model QDs at the atomistic level and in
time-domain, providing a unifying description of quantum dynamics on the