Elastic properties of graphene and carbon nanoribbons: a combined continuum and atomistic approach
DIPC Seminars
- Speaker
Prof. Luciano Colombo (University of Cagliari)
- When
14:00 - Place
- Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC).Paseo Manuel de Lardizabal, 4 (nearby the Facultad de Quimica), Donostia
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A thorough theoretical picture about elastic properties of graphene and carbon
nanoribbons, both under stretching and bending deformations, is presented and
discussed by combining continuum elasticity theory and tight-binding atomistic
As for stretching elasticity, the stress-strain nonlinear constitutive
equation is worked out by continuum theory in both the small-strain and large-
strain conditions. Then, by atomistic simulations we compute all the relevant
linear and non-linear elastic moduli [1]. In particular, we discuss the
physical meaning of the effective non-linear elastic modulus recently measured
by nano-indentation of a free standing monolayer graphene sample [2], and we
provide a robust interpretation of such an experiment. Through the stress-
strain plot we also predict a very high failure stress, in excellent
agreement with available experimental data reported in Ref. [2].
The corresponding effective three dimensional failure stress is then obtained
to be as large as 130 GPa, exceeding that of most materials (even including
multiwalled nanotubes). This result motivates the use of one-atom-thick carbon
layers as possible reinforcement in advanced composites.
As for bending elasticity, by continuum theory we identify the bending
rigidity modulus and we characterize it in terms of the local curvature of a
bended ribbon. Then, we calculate the above bending modulus by tight-binding
atomistic simulations [3]. Finally, we investigate the elastic behavior of
various curved nanoribbons, and we discuss the onset of nano-scale features
which are out-of-rich of the continuum picture. In particular, we prove that
atomic-scale relaxations upon bending induce an additional strain field of in-
plane stretching, which provides new energy contributions. This intriguing
result opens the problem of how to disentangle bending and stretching
features, an especially important issue of considerable practical interest for
small-width nanoribbons. To this aim we define a proof-of-concept
computational procedure, based on a virtual process of unbending, and by means
of it we put evidence on the stretching emergence in bended nanoribbons.
We acknowledge financial and computational support by Cybersar (Cagliari,
Italy), and computational support by CASPUR (Roma, Italy)
[1] E. Cadelano, P. Palla, S. Giordano, and L. Colombo, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102,
235502 (2009).
[2] C. Lee et al., Science, 321, 385 (2008).
[3] E. Cadelano, S. Giordano, and L. Colombo, submitted for publication