Towards topological edge states with artificial electronic lattices: Cs on InAs(111)A

DIPC Seminars

Rian Ligthart
Utrecht University, Netherland
In-person Seminar: Donostia International Physics Center
Dario Bercioux
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Towards topological edge states with artificial electronic lattices: Cs on InAs(111)A

Artificial electronic lattices are a promising tool to study topology on an atomic scale. The Scanning Tunnelling Microscope (STM) allows to build the topological lattices by manipulating single atoms with nanoscale precision and probing their electronic properties. Here, the semiconductor InAs(111)A surface with adsorbed Cs atoms is studied. Vertical and lateral manipulations allow the positioning of multiple Cs-adatoms near each other. Lines of positively charged Cs atoms create a potential well that confines the surface state electrons of InAs due to local band bending. The confined state acts as an artificial atom and can be used to construct dimers and other structures. [1] Artificial atoms can therefore be used to study the topological properties of the model systems such as the SSH [2] and trimer chain.

[1] E. Sierda, et al. Science 380, 1048-1052(2023)
[2] Van Dong Pham, et al. Phys. Rev. B 105, 125418