X-ray absorption spectroscopy at Diamond Light Source, a powerful tool for In situ/Operando characterization studies of chemical reactions

DIPC Seminars

Diego Gianolio
Diamond Light Source, UK
In-person Seminar: Donostia International Physics Center
Carlos Sanchez Cano
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X-ray absorption spectroscopy at Diamond Light Source, a powerful tool for In situ/Operando characterization studies of chemical reactions

The presentation will provide an overview of the current status of the spectroscopy group at Diamond and the plans for future developments within Diamond-II machine upgrade. A particular focus will be placed on B18 Core EXAFS beamline; with its capability to cover a wide range of energies and collect quick EXAFS scans in few seconds it has gathered an heterogeneous international user community covering a wide range of research areas such as: catalysis, energy materials, biology, physics, environmental science, and archaeology. I will present few case studies including: in situ/operando characterization of catalytic reactions, study of battery performance during cycling and study of organometallic drugs mechanisms.