Master Theses defenses
CFM Seminars
- Speaker
Gaizka Otegi, Jaime Caldevilla and Manex Alkorta
- When
10:00 - Place
- CFM Auditorium
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On Wednesday 13 September 2023 three master thesis will be defended in the CFM Auditorium according to the following time schedule:
10:00 Title: “Laser-coupled multielectrode array system for plasmon-driven neuronal stimulation”
Student: Gaizka Otegi
Supervisor: Marek Grzelczak
10:35 Title: “Molecular mobility in simplified Industrial ternary mixtures for tire applications”
Student: Jaime Caldevilla
Supervisor: Ángel Alegría Loinaz
11:10 Title: “Ab-initio study of melamine on Cu(100): Inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy and the impact of tautomerization”
Student: Manex Alkorta
Supervisor: Thomas Frederiksen
Evaluation Committee: Felix Fernandez, Daniele Cangialosi and Beatriz Martin Garcia