Software Carpentry Workshop
CFM Seminars
- Speaker
Iñigo Aldazabal
- When
11:00 - Place
- Elbira Zipitria Center - Ibaeta Campus
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One more year the Materials Physics Center (CFM) is organising a Software
Carpentry workshop in the UPV/EHU Ibaeta campus next June 27th-29th.
Software Carpentry mission is to help scientists and engineers get more
research done in less time and with less pain by teaching them basic lab
skills for scientific computing. This 100% hands-on workshop will cover:
* An introduction to shell scripting
* The popular software version control system 'git'
* An introduction to the Python programming language and to the pandas Python Data Analysis Library, and
* Half-a-day HPC computing cluster basic concepts and practical usage
A little bit of computer knowledge is helpful but essentially these are basic
Our instructors this year will be:
* Anita C. Schürch , from the University Medical Center Utrecht, Netherlands,
* Andrés Díaz-Gil, from the Institute for Theoretical Physics (UAM-CSIC), Madrid,
* David de Sancho, from DIPC, and
* Iñigo Aldazabal, from CFM
Attendance is free but seats are limited to 40 people.
You can find detailed information, as well as a link to the registration form,
Iñigo Aldazabal Mensa, Ph.D.
Computing Service Manager / Scientific Computing Specialist
Centro de Física de Materiales (CSIC-UPV/EHU)phone: +34-943-01-8780
pgp key id: 0xDBCC8369