Seminar at CFM: Taming complex fluids with external fields
Seminar at CFM: Taming complex fluids with external fields

** Taming complex fluids with external fields**
[Professor Fernando Bresme ]( )
Department of Chemistry
Molecular Sciences Research Hub
Imperial College, United Kingdom
External fields, thermal and electromagnetic, induce a range of non-
equilibrium effects in complex fluids consisting of nanoparticle suspensions
(e.g. Soret, Seebeck, Peltier effects), which can be exploited in energy
conversion (thermoelectrics), analytical devices for detection of
biomolecules, or nanoparticle transport and assembly. The combination of Non-
Equilibrium multiscale simulations and theory has paved the way to elucidate
the physical behaviour of complex fluids under external fields, showing that
their response is much richer than previously anticipated. I will discuss how
these techniques can be used to predict and observe novel non-equilibrium
effects in complex fluids, opening new avenues for energy conversion and
harvesting, tuneable nano-tribology and capillary assembly.