PhD Defense: Johannes Stiegler, on 19.02.2013 at 11:30
CFM Seminars
- Speaker
Johannes Stiegler
- When
12:30 - Place
- Auditorium of the Centro de Fisica de Materiales, Paseo Manuel de Lardizabal 5, Donostia-San Sebastián
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Dear colleagues,
The 19th of February, Tuesday, the defense of my PhD thesis will take place in
the "Auditorium" of the Centro de Fisica de Materiales (CFM), at 11:30am. You
all are welcome if you want to join the dissertation of my thesis entitled
"Infrared spectroscopic near-field microscopy of nanoparticles and
semiconductor nanowires".
Johannes Stiegler
Lankide maiteok,
Datorren otsailaren 19an, asteartea, nire doktorego tesia defendituko dut
Materialen Fisika Zentroko (CFM) "Auditorium" aretoan, goizeko 11:30etan.
Tesiaren izenburua "Infrared spectroscopic near-field microscopy of
nanoparticles and semiconductor nanowires" da. Bertaratu zaitezte nahi izanez
gero, denok gonbidatuta zaudete.
Agur bero bat,
Queridos compañeros,
El día 19 de febrero, martes, defenderé mi tesis doctoral en sala
"Auditorium" del Centro de Fisica de Materiales (CFM) a las 11:30 de la
mañana. Cualquiera puede unirse a la defensa de mi trabajo cuyo título es
"Infrared spectroscopic near-field microscopy of nanoparticles and
semiconductor nanowires".
Johannes Stiegler
Johannes Stiegler
Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Nanooptics Group