PhD Defense: Johannes Stiegler, on 19.02.2013 at 11:30

CFM Seminars

Johannes Stiegler
Auditorium of the Centro de Fisica de Materiales, Paseo Manuel de Lardizabal 5, Donostia-San Sebastián
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PhD Defense: Johannes Stiegler, on 19.02.2013 at 11:30 ********************************************* * * BASQUE AND SPANISH VERSIONS BELOW * ********************************************* Dear colleagues, The 19th of February, Tuesday, the defense of my PhD thesis will take place in the "Auditorium" of the Centro de Fisica de Materiales (CFM), at 11:30am. You all are welcome if you want to join the dissertation of my thesis entitled "Infrared spectroscopic near-field microscopy of nanoparticles and semiconductor nanowires". Regards, Johannes Stiegler ********************************************* Lankide maiteok, Datorren otsailaren 19an, asteartea, nire doktorego tesia defendituko dut Materialen Fisika Zentroko (CFM) "Auditorium" aretoan, goizeko 11:30etan. Tesiaren izenburua "Infrared spectroscopic near-field microscopy of nanoparticles and semiconductor nanowires" da. Bertaratu zaitezte nahi izanez gero, denok gonbidatuta zaudete. Agur bero bat, Johannes ********************************************* Queridos compañeros, El día 19 de febrero, martes, defenderé mi tesis doctoral en sala "Auditorium" del Centro de Fisica de Materiales (CFM) a las 11:30 de la mañana. Cualquiera puede unirse a la defensa de mi trabajo cuyo título es "Infrared spectroscopic near-field microscopy of nanoparticles and semiconductor nanowires". Saludos, Johannes Stiegler \----------------------------------------------- Johannes Stiegler Pre-Doctoral Researcher Nanooptics Group [](