**Will Silicene Be the Next Silicon?**
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**Guy Le Lay**
_Aix-Marseille University, Marseille, France_
_& CNR-ISM, Rome, Italy_
Silicene, a novel two-dimensional silicon allotrope with a honeycomb,
graphene-like, atomic structure, has been recently synthesized1, generating
considerable interest, since its topology gives birth to the same remarkable
electronic properties as those of graphene2. Furthermore, silicene has the
potential advantage of being more easily integrated in current Si-based
nano/micro-electronics. In this seminar, I will present the epitaxial
formation of single and multi-layer silicene on Ag substrates and discuss
their structural and electronic properties. I will further look at the
prospects of silicene growth on semiconducting or insulating substrates3.
Finally, I will address the question: will silicene be the future of silicon
or just an epiphenomenon?
1) P. Vogt et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. **108** , 55501 (2012); C.-L. Lin et al.,
Appl. Phys. Exp _._ **5** , 045802 (2012); A. Fleurence et al., Phys. Rev.
Lett _._ **108** , 245501 (2012); B. Feng et al., Nano Lett. **12** , 3507
(2012); Z. Ni et al., Nano Lett. **12** , 113 (2012); J. Gao, J. Zhao, Sci.
Rep. **2** , 111 (2012).
2) S. Cahangirov et al., Phys. Rev. B **88** , 035432 (2013).
3) H. Liu et al., J. Phys. Chem. C, **117** , 10353 (2013).
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Dr Le Lay is Full Professor of Physics, at Aix-Marseille University, France.
For many years he has been a member of the Comité National des Universités
and was for five years President of the regional section of the French
Physical Society. After education as a Mining Engineer (1968), he started
research in Solid State Physics, in Nancy (France). Soon afterwards, he moved
to Marseille where he engaged in Surface Science, then a new discipline.
There, he got two Doctoral degrees in Physics in 1972 and 1978 for his
pioneering work on the formation of metal/semiconductor interfaces. With his
team, he continued to work on well-controlled low-dimensional systems:
surfaces, interfaces and nanostructures using Nanoscience tools in synergy
with advanced structural and spectroscopy methods at several synchrotron
radiation facilities. He has also studied crystal growth in space; he was co-
PI of the Mercuric Iodide Crystal Growth experiment that flew on board
Discovery, in 1992.
Prof. Le Lay has been a member of the French Comité de Physique and in 1985
he launched the 1st International Conference on the Formation of Semiconductor
Interfaces. He is an expert in Synchrotron Radiation, serving for eight years
as a member of the European Round Table on Synchrotron Radiation and Free
Electron Lasers. During his career he has chaired and organized numerous
International Schools, Workshops and Conferences and served on many UNESCO,
NATO, EC, international, national and regional panels and expert committees.
Currently, Prof. Le Lay is working on two-dimensional materials beyond
graphene, especially silicene, which he discovered with his team in Marseille
and published in a seminal paper in 2012. Prof. Le Lay is also involved in
some art-science collaborative projects that have been performed and
exhibited, especially during the Einstein International Year of Physics, in