Past Seminars

CFM-DIPC PhD student seminar series

Sara Lois Cerdeira, DIPC & Josu Diego López, CFM

DIPC Seminars

Ferroelectric switching of spin-to-charge conversion for ultralow power spintronics

Dr. Christian Rinaldi, Associate Professor Politecnico di Milano

CIC nanoGUNE Seminars

Super-resolution STED microscopy for investigating the brain extracellular space in live tissue

Jan Tonnesen, University of the Basque Country and Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience

DIPC Seminars

IESM Triple talk

Prof. Yvonne Joseph, M. Sc. Nadja Lumme and Dr. Katja Heise; IESM: Institut fur Elektronik- und Sensormaterialien

CIC nanoGUNE Seminars

Fully-atomistic light-driven dynamics in plasmonic nanosystems, cavities and interfaces

Franco Bonafe, Max Planck Institute fo the Structure and Dynamics of Matter

CFM Seminars

DIPC Community Seminar: Light-Matter Interaction at the (sub)nanometer scale

Ruben Esteban, Centro de Fisica de Materiales

DIPC Seminars