Past Schools

Topological Matter School (TMS2024)

Maia G. Vergniory (DIPC, Max Planck), Reyes Calvo (Universidad de Alicante), Santiago Blanco-Canosa (DIPC, Ikerbasque), Adolfo Grushin (Institut NEEL – CNRS), Alexander Altland (University of Cologne), Julen Ibañez Azpiroz (CFM, Ikerbasque)

2024/08/19 - 2024/08/23 | Miramar Palace, Donostia / San Sebastián

Nanotechnology Meets Quantum Information (NanoQI`24)

Geza Giedke (DIPC, Ikerbasque), Alejandro González-Tudela (IFF CSIC), Ataç Imamoglu (ETH Zurich)

2024/07/22 - 2024/07/26 | Miramar Palace, Donostia / San Sebastián

(Photo)-and electrocatalysis at the atomic: from the atomic scale to advanced devices (PECAS-CAT&SCALE)

Sara Barja (UPV/EHU), Pelayo García de Arquer (ICFO), Núria López (ICIQ), Jose Ramon Galan Mascaros (ICIQ), Sixto Giménez (INAM) – UJI, Irene Palacio (ICMM/CSIC), María del Carmen Giménez López (CiQUS), David Écija (IMDEA Nanoscience), María Escudero (ICN2), Jordi Arbiol (ICN2)

2024/05/06 - 2024/05/09 | Carlos Santamaría Centre, Donostia / San Sebastián