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439 results: 438 articles and 1 books or book chapters
Last updated: 09/05/2023-
101 Designing Automated Deployment Strategies of Face Recognition Solutions in Heterogeneous IoT Platforms
U. Elordi, C. Lunerti, L. Unzueta, J. Goenetxea, N. Aranjuelo, A. Bertelsen, and I. Arganda-Carreras
Information 12, 532 (2021). -
102 Mechanistic Insights into Promoted Hydrolysis of Phosphoester Bonds by MoO2C12(DMF)(2)
J. Lanuza, A. Sanchez-Gonzalez, N. A. G. Bandeira, X. Lopez, and A. Gil
Inorg. Chem. 60, 11177 (2021). -
103 Photoactivated Osmium Arene Anticancer Complexes
X. Xue, Y. Fu, L. He, L. Salassa, L. -F. He, Y. -Y. Hao, M. J. Koh, C. Soulie, R. J. Needham, A. Habtemariam, C. Garino, K. A. Lomachenko, Z. Su, Y. Qian, M. J. Paterson, Z. -W. Mao, H. -K. Liu, and P. J. Sadler
Inorg. Chem. 60, 17450 (2021). -
104 Synergy Effects in Heavy Metal Ion Chelation with Aryl- and Aroyl-Substituted Thiourea Derivatives
R. Barzaga, L. Leston-Sanchez, F. Aguilar-Galindo, O. Estevez-Hernandez, and S. Diaz-Tendero
Inorg. Chem. 60, 11984 (2021). -
105 Structural and optical properties in Tm3+/Tm3+-Yb3+ doped NaLuF4 glass-ceramics
J. J. Velazquez, R. Balda, J. Fernandez, G. Gorni, M. Sedano, A. Duran, D. Galusek, and M. J. Pascual
Int. J. Appl. Glass Sci. 12, 485 (2021). -
106 Zinc oxide nanostructures and stearic acid as surface modifiers for flax fabrics in polylactic acid biocomposites
F. Sbardella, I. Rivilla, I. Bavasso, P. Russo, L. Vitiello, J. Tirillo, and F. Sarasini
Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 177, 495 (2021). -
107 The impact of atomic defects on high-temperature stability and electron transport properties in Sr2Mg1-xNixMoO6-delta solid solutions
K. S. Tolstov, B. V. Politov, V. P. Zhukov, E. V. Chulkov, and V. L. Kozhevnikov
J. Alloy. Compd. 883, 160821 (2021). -
108 Perfect and Defective C-13-Furan-Derived Nanothreads from ModestPressure Synthesis Analyzed by C-13 NMR
B. S. Matsuura, S. Huss, Z. Zheng, S. Yuan, T. Wang, B. Chen, V. Badding, D. Trauner, E. Elacqua, A. C. T. van Duin, V. H. Crespi, and K. Schmidt-Rohr
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 143, 9529 (2021). -
109 Chemical tuning of exciton versus charge-tansfer excited states in conformationally restricted arylene cages
T. N. Lewis, C. Tonnele, W. G. Shuler, Z. A. Kasun, H. Sato, A. J. Berges, J. R. Rodriguez, M. J. Krische, D. Casanova, and C. J. Bardeen
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 143, 18548 (2021). -
110 Kinetics of NH3 Desorption and Diffusion on Pt: Implications for the Ostwald Process
D. Borodin, I. Rahinov, O. Galparsoro, J. Fingerhut, M. Schwarzer, K. Golibrzuch, G. Skoulatakis, D. J. Auerbach, A. Kandratsenka, D. Schwarzer, T. N. Kitsopoulos, and A. M. Wodtke
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 143, 18305 (2021). -
111 Single-cell chemistry of photoactivatable platinum anticancer complexes
E. M. Bolitho, C. Sanchez-Cano, H. Shi, P. D. Quinn, M. Harkiolaki, C. Imberti, and P. J. Sadler
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 143, 20224 (2021). -
112 Quantum anharmonic enhancement of superconductivity in P6(3)/mmc ScH6 at high pressures: A first-principles study
P. Hou, F. Belli, R. Bianco, and I. Errea
J. Appl. Phys. 130, 175902 (2021). -
113 Magnetic detection of high mechanical stress in iron-based materials using eddy currents and phase shift measurements
M. S. Garcia Alonso, A. Hernando, J. Vinolas, and M. A. Garcia
J. Appl. Phys. 129, 243901 (2021). -
114 From single-particle-like to interaction-mediated plasmonic resonances in graphene nanoantennas
M. M. Mueller, M. Kosik, M. Pelc, G. W. Bryant, A. Ayuela, C. Rockstuhl, and K. Slowik
J. Appl. Phys. 129, 093103 (2021). -
115 A novel vibrational spectroscopy using spintronic-plasmonic antennas: Magneto-refractive surface-enhanced infrared absorption
G. Armelles, L. Bergamini, A. Cebollada, N. Zabala, and J. Aizpurua
J. Appl. Phys. 129, 073103 (2021). -
116 Resolution of the identity approximation applied to PNOF correlation calculations
J. F. Huan Lew-Yee, M. Piris, and J. M. del Campo
J. Chem. Phys. 154, 064102 (2021). -
117 Unraveling the coherent dynamic structure factor of liquid water at the mesoscale by molecular dynamics simulations
F. Alvarez, A. Arbe, and J. Colmenero
J. Chem. Phys. 155, 244509 (2021). -
118 Short-range DFT energy correction to multiconfigurational wave functions for open-shell systems
J. A. Rodriguez-Jimenez, A. Carreras, and D. Casanova
J. Chem. Phys. 154, 124116 (2021). -
119 From the dipole of a crystallite to the polarization of a crystal
R. Resta
J. Chem. Phys. 154, 050901 (2021). -
120 Faraday law, oxidation numbers, and ionic conductivity: The role of topology
R. Resta
J. Chem. Phys. 155, 244503 (2021).