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6493 results: 6453 articles and 40 books or book chapters

Last updated: 24/03/2025
  1. Scientific article 121 Epitaxial growth of large-scale 2D CrTe2 films on amorphous silicon wafers with low thermal budget
    X. Zhang, Y. Li, Q. Lu, X. Xiang, X. Sun, C. Tang, M. Mahdi, C. Conner, J. Cook, Y. Xiong, J. Inman, W. Jin, C. Liu, P. Cai, E. J. G. Santos, C. Phatak, W. Zhang, N. Gao, W. Niu, G. Bian, et al.
    Adv. Mater. 36, 2311591 (2024).
  2. Scientific article 122 Microscale chiral rectennas for energy harvesting
    M. Suarez-Rodriguez, B. Martin-Garcia, W. Skowronski, K. Staszek, F. Calavalle, A. Fert, M. Gobbi, F. Casanova, and L. E. Hueso
    Adv. Mater. 36, 2400729 (2024).
  3. Scientific article 123 Ferromagnetic order in 2D layers of transition metal dichlorides
    A. Aguirre, A. P. Sole, D. Soler Polo, C. Gonzalez-Orellana, A. Thakur, J. Ortuzar, O. Stesovych, M. Kumar, M. Pena-Diaz, A. Weber, M. Tallarida, J. Dai, J. Dreiser, M. Muntwiler, C. Rogero, J. I. Pascual, P. Jelinek, M. Ilyn, and M. Corso
    Adv. Mater. 36, 2402723 (2024).
  4. Scientific article 124 Topological spin textures in an insulating van der Waals ferromagnet
    S. Grebenchuk, C. Mckeever, M. Grzeszczyk, Z. Chen, M. Siskins, A. R. C. McCray, Y. Li, A. K. Petford-Long, C. M. Phatak, D. Ruihuan, L. Zheng, K. S. Novoselov, E. J. G. Santos, and M. Koperski
    Adv. Mater. 36, 2311949 (2024).
  5. Scientific article 125 Spin-glass states generated in a van der Waals magnet by alkali-ion intercalation
    S. Khan, E. S. Y. Aw, L. A. V. Nagle-Cocco, A. Sud, S. Ghosh, M. K. B. Subhan, Z. Xue, C. Freeman, D. Sagkovits, A. Gutierrez-Llorente, I. Verzhbitskiy, D. M. Arroo, C. W. Zollitsch, G. Eda, E. J. G. Santos, S. E. Dutton, S. T. Bramwell, C. A. Howard, and H. Kurebayashi
    Adv. Mater. 36, 2400270 (2024).
  6. Scientific article 126 Ultraconfined plasmons in atomically thin crystalline silver nanostructures
    V. Mkhitaryan, A. P. Weber, S. Abdullah, L. Fernandez, Z. M. Abd El-Fattah, I. Piquero-Zulaica, H. Agarwal, K. Garcia Diez, F. Schiller, J. E. Ortega, and F. J. Garcia de Abajo
    Adv. Mater. 36, 2302520 (2024).
  7. Scientific article 127 Giant room-temperature topological Hall effect in a square-net ferromagnet LaMn2Ge2
    S. Roychowdhury, P. Yanda, K. Samanta, C. Yi, M. Yao, F. Orlandi, P. Manuel, D. Khalyavin, E. G. D. Valle, P. Constantinou, V. N. Strocov, M. G. Vergniory, C. Shekhar, and C. Felser
    Adv. Mater. 36, 2305916 (2024).
  8. Scientific article 128 Charge transfer-induced SERS enhancement of MoS2/dopants dependent on their interaction difference
    L. Chen, J. P. Merino, M. Torrent-Sucarrat, H. -L. Hou, and M. Prato
    Adv. Mater. Interfaces 11, 2400272 (2024).
  9. Scientific article 129 Simple encoded circularly polarized protein lighting
    S. Gruembel, M. Hasler, S. Ferrara, M. Patrian, J. A. Banda-Vazquez, P. B. Coto, J. P. F. Werner, and R. D. Costa
    Adv. Opt. Mater. 12, 2400106 (2024).
  10. Scientific article 130 Circularly polarized photoluminescence in chiral hybrid organic-inorganic manganese halide perovskites: from bulk materials to exfoliated flakes
    Y. Asensio, H. B. Jalali, S. Marras, M. Gobbi, F. Casanova, A. Mateo-Alonso, F. Di Stasio, I. Rivilla, L. E. Hueso, and B. Martin-Garcia
    Adv. Opt. Mater. 12, 2400554 (2024).
  11. Scientific article 131 Unveiling electron-phonon and electron-magnon interactions in the weak itinerant ferromagnet LaCo2P2
    D. Y. Usachov, K. Ali, G. Poelchen, M. Mende, S. Schulz, M. Peters, K. Bokai, I. Y. Sklyadneva, V. Stolyarov, E. V. Chulkov, K. Kliemt, S. Paischer, P. A. Buczek, R. Heid, F. Hempel, M. Ruesing, A. Ernst, C. Krellner, S. V. Eremeev, and D. V. Vyalikh, et al.
    Adv. Phys. Res. , (2024).
  12. Scientific article 132 Implementation and characterization of the dice lattice in the electron quantum simulator
    Camillo Tassi, and Dario Bercioux
    Adv. Physics Res. 3, 2400038 (2024).
  13. Scientific article 133 Topological properties of a non-Hermitian quasi-1D chain with a flat band
    C. Martinez-Strasser, M. A. J. Herrera, A. Garcia-Etxarri, G. Palumbo, F. K. Kunst, and D. Bercioux
    Adv. Quantum Technol. 7, 2300225 (2024).
  14. Scientific article 134 Ubiquitous order-disorder transition in the Mn antisite sublattice of the (MnBi2Te4)(Bi2Te3)n magnetic topological insulators
    M. Sahoo, I. J. Onuorah, L. C. Folkers, E. Kochetkova, E. V. Chulkov, M. M. Otrokov, Z. S. Aliev, I. R. Amiraslanov, A. U. B. Wolter, B. Buechner, L. T. Corredor, C. Wang, Z. Salman, A. Isaeva, R. De Renzi, and G. Allodi
    Adv. Sci. 11, 2402753 (2024).
  15. Scientific article 135 Extended Berry curvature tail in ferromagnetic Weyl semimetals NiMnSb and PtMnSb
    S. Singh, A. Garcia-Page, J. Noky, S. Roychowdhury, M. G. Vergniory, H. Borrmann, H. -H. Klauss, C. Felser, and C. Shekhar
    Adv. Sci. 11, 2404495 (2024).
  16. Scientific article 136 Programmable carbon nanotube networks: controlling optical properties through orientation and interaction
    K. V. Voronin, G. A. Ermolaev, M. G. Burdanova, A. S. Slavich, A. N. Toksumakov, D. I. Yakubovsky, M. I. Paukov, Y. Xie, L. Qian, D. S. Kopylova, D. V. Krasnikov, D. A. Ghazaryan, D. G. Baranov, A. I. Chernov, A. G. Nasibulin, J. Zhang, A. V. Arsenin, and V. Volkov
    Adv. Sci. 11, 2404694 (2024).
  17. Scientific article 137 Comparison of gap-enhanced Raman tags and nanoparticle aggregates with polarization dependent super-sesolution spectral SERS imaging
    D. N. Shoup, S. Fan, M. Zapata-Herrera, H. C. Schorr, J. Aizpurua, and Z. D. Schultz
    Anal. Chem. 96, 11422 (2024).
  18. Scientific article 138 [19]Starphene: combined in-solution and on-surface synthesis towards the largest starphene
    J. Besteiro-Saez, L. M. Mateo, S. Salaverria, T. Wang, P. Angulo-Portugal, J. P. Calupitan, J. Rodriguez-Fernandez, A. Garcia-Fuente, J. Ferrer, D. Perez, M. Corso, D. G. de Oteyza, and D. Pena
    Angew. Chem.-Int. Edit. 63, e202411861 (2024).
  19. Scientific article 139 Enantiopure [6]-azairidahelicene by dynamic kinetic resolution of a configurationally labile [4]-helicene
    A. Pazos, C. M. Cruz, J. M. Cuerva, I. Rivilla, F. P. Cossio, and Z. Freixa
    Angew. Chem.-Int. Edit. 63, e202406663 (2024).
  20. Scientific article 140 Planar pentacoordinate halogens
    L. -juan Cui, L. -hong Miao, M. Orozco-Ic, L. Li, S. Pan, G. Merino, and Z. -huaCui
    Angew. Chem.-Int. Edit. 64, e202416057 (2024).
Las publicaciones de esta lista, en general, incluyen sólo artículos científicos indexados en la collección de Web of Science (WoS), excluyendo abstracts y actas de congresos.