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374 results: 374 articles and 0 books or book chapters

Last updated: 11/04/2024
  1. Scientific article 61 TREASUREHUNT: transients and variability discovered with HST in the JWST north eliptic pole time-domain field
    R. O'Brien, R. A. Jansen, N. A. Grogin, S. H. Cohen, B. M. Smith, R. M. Silver, W. P. Maksym III, R. A. Windhorst, T. Carleton, A. M. Koekemoer, N. P. Hathi, C. N. A. Willmer, B. L. Frye, M. Alpaslan, M. L. N. Ashby, T. A. Ashcraft, S. Bonoli, W. Brisken, N. Cappelluti, F. Civano, et al.
    Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 272, 19 (2024).
  2. Scientific article 62 In Vitro biocompatibility and endothelial permeability of branched polyglycidols generated by ring-opening polymerization of glycidol with B(C6F5)3 under dry and wet conditions
    C. A. Pagnacco, M. H. Kravicz, F. S. Sica, V. Fontanini, E. G. de San Roman, R. Lund, F. Re, and F. Barroso-Bujans
    Biomacromolecules 25, 3583 (2024).
  3. Scientific article 63 Identification of Riluzole derivatives as novel calmodulin inhibitors with neuroprotective activity by a joint synthesis, biosensor, and computational guided strategy
    M. Baltasar-Marchueta, L. Llona, S. M-Alicante, I. Barbolla, M. G. Ibarluzea, R. Ramis, A. M. Salomon, B. Fundora, A. Araujo, A. Muguruza-Montero, E. Nunez, S. Perez-Olea, C. Villanueva, A. Leonardo, S. Arrasate, N. Sotomayor, A. Villarroel, A. Bergara, E. Lete, and H. Gonzalez-Diaz, et al.
    Biomed. Pharmacother. 174, 116602 (2024).
  4. Scientific article 64 Metabolites from marine macroorganisms of the Red sea acting as promoters or inhibitors of amylin aggregation
    M. Alghrably, M. A. Tammam, A. Koutsaviti, V. Roussis, X. Lopez, G. Bennici, A. Sharfalddin, H. Almahasheer, C. M. Duarte, A. -H. Emwas, E. Ioannou, and M. Jaremko
    Biomolecules 14, 951 (2024).
  5. Scientific article 65 Biallelic variants in SNUPN cause a limb girdle muscular dystrophy withmyofibrillar-like features
    P. Iruzubieta, A. Damborenea, M. Ioghen, S. Bajew, R. Fernandez-Torron, A. Topf, A. Herrero-Reiriz, D. Epure, K. Vill, A. Hernandez-Lain, M. Manterola, M. Azkargorta, O. Pikatza-Menoio, L. Perez-Fernandez, M. Garcia-Puga, G. Gaina, A. Bastian, I. Streata, M. C. Walter, W. Muller-Felber, et al.
    Brain 147, 2867 (2024).
  6. Scientific article 66 Large hysteretic hydrogen adsorption in double wall carbon nanotubes bundles
    C. Cabrillo, R. Fernandez-Perea, F. J. Bermejo, C. Mondelli, M. A. Gonzalez, F. Fernandez-Alonso, E. Enciso, and M. -L. Saboungi
    Carbon 219, 118766 (2024).
  7. Scientific article 67 Thermal conductivity of Portlandite: molecular dynamics based approach
    P. K. Sarkar, G. Goracci, and J. S. Dolado
    Cem. Concr. Res. 175, 107347 (2024).
  8. Scientific article 68 Thermoelectric properties of the main species present in Portland cement
    R. O. Agbaoye, J. Janovec, A. Ayuela, and J. S. Dolado
    Cem. Concr. Res. 183, 107587 (2024).
  9. Scientific article 69 Colour tuning in Eu/Ag-co-doped transparent LaF3 glass-ceramics
    M. Sedano, A. Duran, G. C. Mather, J. Fernandez, R. Balda, and M. J. Pascual
    Ceram. Int. 50, 23839 (2024).
  10. Scientific article 70 Hydrogen bond types which do not fit accepted definitions
    S. J. Grabowski
    Chem. Commun. 60, 6239 (2024).
  11. Scientific article 71 Can aromaticity be evaluated using atomic partitions based on the Hilbert-space?
    J. Grèbol-Tomàs, E. Matito, and P. Salvador
    Chem. Eur. J. 30, e202401282 (2024).
  12. Scientific article 72 Revisiting El-Sayed synthesis: Bayesian optimization for revealing new insights during the growth of gold nanorods
    A. Rao, and M. Grzelczak
    Chem. Mat. 36, 2577 (2024).
  13. Scientific article 73 Compression eliminates charge traps by stabilizing perovskite grain boundary structures: an ab initio analysis with machine learning force field
    D. Liu, Y. Wu, M. R. Samatov, A. S. Vasenko, E. V. Chulkov, and O. V. Prezhdo
    Chem. Mat. 36, 2898 (2024).
  14. Scientific article 74 Core-electron contributions to the magnetic response of molecules withheavy elements and their significance in aromaticity assessments
    M. Orozco-Ic, L. Soriano-Agueda, D. Sundholm, E. Matito, and G. Merino
    Chem. Sci. 15, 12906 (2024).
  15. Scientific article 75 Deciphering the chemical bonding of the trivalent oxygen atom in oxygen doped graphene
    A. Ugartemendia, I. Casademont-Reig, L. Zhao, Z. Zhang, G. Frenking, J. M. Ugalde, A. Garcia-Lekue, and E. Jimenez-Izal
    Chem. Sci. 15, 6151 (2024).
  16. Scientific article 76 %VBur index and steric maps: from predictive catalysis to machine learning
    S. Escayola, N. Bahri-Laleh, and A. Poater
    Chem. Soc. Rev. 53, 853 (2024).
  17. Scientific article 77 3,4-Dimethylenecyclobutene: a building block for design of macrocycles with excited state aromatic low-lying high-spin states
    P. Preethalayam, J. C. Roldao, F. Castet, D. Casanova, S. Radenkovic, and H. Ottosson
    Chem.-Eur. J. 30, e202303549 (2024).
  18. Scientific article 78 Oxygen-promoted on-surface synthesis of polyboroxine molecules
    D. Toffoli, E. Turco, M. Stredansky, R. Costantini, M. Dell Angela, L. Floreano, A. Goldoni, A. Morgante, G. Kladnik, D. Cvetko, D. G. de Oteyza, L. Colazzo, M. S. G. Mohammed, A. Sala, G. Comelli, C. Africh, G. Fronzoni, G. Balducci, M. Stener, H. Ustunel, et al.
    Chem.-Eur. J. 30, e202401565 (2024).
  19. Scientific article 79 Temperature-modulated reversible clustering of gold nanorods driven by small surface ligands
    J. Kruse, A. Rao, A. Sanchez-Iglesias, J. L. Montano-Priede, A. I. Ibarra, E. Lopez, A. Seifert, A. Arbe, and M. Grzelczak
    Chem.-Eur. J. 30, e202302793 (2024).
  20. Scientific article 80 Gold-promoted biocompatible selenium arylation of small molecules, peptides and proteins
    D. H. Nakahata, I. Kanavos, M. Zubiria-Ulacia, A. Inague, L. Salassa, R. Lobinski, S. Miyamoto, J. M. Matxain, L. Ronga, and R. E. F. de Paiva
    Chem.-Eur. J. 30, e202304050 (2024).
Las publicaciones de esta lista, en general, incluyen sólo artículos científicos indexados en la collección de Web of Science (WoS), excluyendo abstracts y actas de congresos.